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Showing posts from September, 2021

Day 6 & 7 - Finish what we started

Kia ora everyone, It's been a week since we started our challenge and I am hopeful that you have enjoyed the workout so far. Shout out to those who have committed till the end of the challenge and become stronger as well as healthier. Time to get back to school and have more physical learning! Here are the links to my last 2 videos. Enjoy! Day 6 fitness challenge Day 7 fitness challenge Leave a comment below to keep me updated with your progress. I am eager to know how you feel after my challenge. Have fun with the last day of your home learning and I am looking forward to seeing everyone back to school. Bye! Miss Helen

Day 5 - There's nothing holding you back

Kia ora everyone, We are now more than halfway through the fitness challenge and thumbs up for anyone who is still committing to the challenge. I know it is not easy but you can do this. Leave a comment below to let me know about your progress. I can't wait to finish off this challenge and see how my body changes. Link to my video:  Day 5 fitness challenge Stay safe and I look forward to hearing from our class' progress. Cheers!

Day 4 - DIY

Kia ora everyone, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Let's get back to our 7-day fitness challenge to give your body a little push and ready to rock and roll! Today is creating your own workout so feel free to post your own workout video and challenge your family and friends to follow your plan. Let's see whether they can finish it! My workout today is a quick set of 6 exercises of abs workout. I always love the feeling when my abs are on fire. If you still haven't got any idea for today's plan, you can refer to my video. Here is the link to today's fitness video:  Day 4 fitness challenge Stay safe and I will see you tomorrow!

Chasing the sun

Our Shadow activity last Wednesday reminds me of the time when I came back to Vietnam for a 3-week holiday 2 years ago. With my best friends, we travelled to Dai Lanh beach in Phu Yen city, which is located on Vietnam's south-central coast. We took amazing shadow photos under the early sun. My friend also made a sunrise time-lapse video that I would love to share below. I remember he woke up at 4am to have his camera set up for the video. In the end, his effort paid off. Now looking back, I am so happy that at least I went on that trip and captured those splendid, memorable moments with my dearest friends. Sooner or later, Covid will be over, yet there are some moments that will never come back. So, embrace every single moment of our lives and live it to the fullest. How about you? What is your most memorable pre-Covid trip that you wish you could do it again in the future?

Day 3 - No pain no gain

Kia ora everyone, I hope you have enjoyed the last two days' workout. Let's get ready for today's challenge!  What do you think about the challenge so far? Leave a comment below and update me with your progress. Stay safe everybody! Day 3 fitness challenge